The Plight of the Illegal Immigrants: I think I finally agree with protecting them and letting them stay. Why? Here’s the answer: I owe a lot of money and it’s keeping me from retiring. I’m afraid that I might work myself to death before I can actually retire… so the only recourse I have is […]
The Census! Non-Citizens are NOT supposed to be counted in the census data that is used to determine the number of Congressional seats that are given to each state. President Trump wants the question put back on the census form, but the democrats are fighting it because the large illegal population states would lose representatives […]
SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! Why were there so many school shootings in the last year? –Are there more guns? No not really –Are the perps that do it terrorists? No not really What can explain the breakdown in our society where it becomes an option to hate someone so much that you take a gun to […]
I just re-watched THUNDERHEART, a very good movie about conditions on Reservations in the 70’s. While thinking about this I had the following thoughts: 1- What we did to the Native Americans was unconscionable. Yes, they are a conquered people but we pushed them off their land and onto Reservations and told them ‘We will […]
Who’s Destroying the American Dream? The Progressive Liberals, ANTIFA Anarchists, Black Lives Matter Racists and the apathy filled iGeneration who live their lives in their smart phones are ruining this country and the spineless politicians are helping them do it. I just watch a guy trying to prove that the National Anthem is suspect […]
Time for another Rant! The Democrats think that the taxpayers should pay for the student loans that the entitled generation voluntarily agreed to because it’s just so much money and it’s unfair that they have to pay it back. Well, it’s unfair that I owe $140,000 for my house so I want the taxpayers to […]
This is a very serious post and it has nothing to do with politics. What it has to do with is how we perceive our world. with the recent events in Dallas, I decided to ask one of my black co-workers if he felt threatened when he was pulled over by the police. Now when […]
I work for a large tech company and we build websites just like many other tech companies do. We build great looking sites with lots of functionality but one area is really lacking any features for our customers. Our form tool like many others is very basic and when the visitor clicks submit, the form […]
Mike Gallagher, a radio host and conservative political commentator is the host of the Mike Gallagher Show. Someone wrote an essay entitled “Obama, it was you. Mike read it on his show and then posted it on his FB page at the request of many. It is eye-opening! Here it is: President Obama: This is […]
Since Gay marriage is the Topic of the day.. allow me to share some insight on how I got to where I am now regarding the LGBT community. My time in high school and in the USAF taught me that gays/lesbians were there for me to ridicule and persecute and being young and stupid, I […]
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