January 15, 2013 at 11:16 am

The Debt Ceiling Debacle

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Our President just got through speaking to American people saying that to not raise the debt limit would make us a “DEADBEAT country” because we are just trying to pay off those that we said we would pay. I wonder why he has changed his tune on this since 2006:

Here are Obama’s thoughts on the debt limit in 2006, when he voted against increasing the ceiling:

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
Here are my thoughts on this issue:

True: we have incurred some expenses and we should pay them

False: If we don’t raise the debt limit our credit rating will fall. If we don’t raise it, or raise it with spending cuts to show that we are a responsible borrower, our credit rating might actually return back to what it was before “THAT GUY” was elected and ran up so much debt that our financial outlook is in question.

The government actually takes about 86% of what it needs from us in taxes, and if they lived within the allowance we are forced to give them, there wouldn’t be an issue.

Maybe if the Senate actually passed a budget, we wouldn’t have to run around with our hair on fire yelling the sky is falling.

When I don’t have enough money to pay my bills (lost about $700 per month net due to economy) I look for ways to cut my expenses, as I’m sure you do or would do also.I changed some of the recurring monthly plans to lower plans to save money every month. I CUT SPENDING so I can pay the obligations I already have! Its your money so you budget it and spend it wisely. Why should the clowns we elected not be held to the same expectation that we place on ourselves?

It all comes down to world view:

LIBERALS: think we can spend our way out of debt. That would be like me going out and buying a new car with a loan when my current car is paid off and then saying “I want a new car because other people have new cars and this will improve my balance sheet and I’ll be able to meet my obligations” B U L L S H T!

CONSERVATIVES: in order to pay the obligations we have, we need to cut our expenses (just as the american people and businesses are having to do) and if we need to raise the debt ceiling to meet past obligations, then lets offset that increase with corresponding cuts to zero out the impact on the national debt. Not such a hard concept to understand.
And please don’t tell me about what happened under BUSH.. he was not a conservative, he was a big government republican.

My job is to answer phones when customers call in… so if I was a senator, I would just sit there and let the phone ring and never answer because I felt like it. (ie: as required by law.. submit a budget every year!). What are we paying them for? Am I the only one that is pissed off by paying for services that aren’t being rendered? If this doesn’t bother you , please order some embroidery and pay for it and I’ll just disregard making it and sending it to you. Would you keep paying me?

January 6, 2013 at 8:57 am

It’s not all about the guns! Come On People.. Think!!!

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What? People murdered at Sandy Hook

How? Used a gun

Why? Had a gun! (This is what anti gun and the media want us to believe)

Logically this doesn’t make any sense for the WHY. Is the HOW to be blamed for the murders or the WHY? I know this is very simplistic but it gets down to basic critical thinking. They didn’t die because of a gun, they died because a mentally disturbed person stole a weapon from his mother and went off the deep end.

Consider this: 50 years ago we had roughly the same number of guns per capita as we do now but we didn’t have the problem of juvenile mass murder. What has changed?

More Guns? NO

The things that are missing from our society now that impact our kids are, religion, respect for life and a moral compass that lets them know killing is wrong. Todays movies and video games are full of human beings being killed in very vivid ways with blood spurting all over. The video games are just as realistic as the combat simulators that our military use. If you spend all your time killing images that look like people and you get an adrenaline rush from it, when its not enough any more, how to you stimulate your senses to move to the next level. Will this pattern affect all kids? No.. but those that are on the cusp of mental illness or socially challenged (think columbine) may resort to this behavior. The military uses kill simulators to desensitize new recruits to the act of killing a human being so when they actually have to pull the trigger, they can do it without freezing up. A soldier that won’t kill will be killed.

I didn’t think all this up myself, I’m not that smart… but this is from a retired West Point Psychologist who has written books about killing and has studied the impact our kill simulators are having on our kids. This is the guy:

Lt. Col Dave Grossman, West Point Psychology Professor, Professor of Military Science. The Army Ranger is considered one of the nation’s foremost experts on PTSD and is a scholar in the field of human aggression and the roots of violent crime. He noted that what today’s video games do is provide a reward for killing each target until there is none remaining that it has conditioned human beings to derive “pleasure from human death and suffering.”

He equates it to Pavlovs dog… ring the bell.. get food.. ring the bell.. get food.. ring the bell.. dog starts to salivate.. Same idea.
He explains it all in this interview:

January 3, 2013 at 11:27 am

US Marine Tells Off Diane Feinstein: I AM THE MAN THAT KEEPS YOU FREE!

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I couldn’t agree more with this Marine. This gun ban isn’t about what happened at Newtown. It’s about CONTROL.. Ask yourself these simple questions: (Questions courtesy of: Glenn Beck.. the man many love to hate but never watched)

1- What? People were slaughtered by a maniac
2- How? – He used a gun
3- Why? – He Used a gun: thats what the dems and the media want us to believe.. how can the how be the same as the why? He didn’t kill them just because of a gun.. he was a troubled mentally ill person with no moral compass to guide him. We used to commit these people until the ACLU forced tens of thousands of mentally ill people back on the streets.

Why would anyone commit this crime? Some will slam me here but I’m going to say it. Todays highly realistic video games are equal to or better than the combat simulators that our troops use. It’s one thing to kill space aliens because we don’t meet many space aliens in our daily lives.. but when we start killing human beings in the very realistic games, we become desensitized to the act, and therefore the act becomes acceptable behavior whether in a video game or in real life… these people can’t really discern the difference so they commit random acts of violence. You can try and argue against what I’ve said, but you won’t change my mind, so don’t waste precious moments of your life in this worthless attempt to do so. 
One U.S. Marine was more than a little displeased with California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’sdraconian gun control proposal, which includes an assault weapons ban and provisions on handguns and even “grandfathered weapons.”
The letter, written by U.S. Marine Joshua Boston, was titled “No ma’am” and was first posted on CNN iReport on Dec. 27. The letter has since gone viral and has been shared extensively on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, as it seemingly has resonated with a segment of the American population.
Read Boston’s entire “No ma’am” letter below and then share it with others:

Senator Dianne Feinstein,
I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.
I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.
I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.
I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.
We, the people, deserve better than you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
United States Marine Corps

December 7, 2012 at 1:26 pm

Become a Constitutionalist and not a Democrat or Republican!

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This is not a political post!


This is a post for tolerance and acceptance based on common ground.

We may disagree on many things, but if you agree with me that the Constitution is the basis for how our Government should function, then we can agree on more than you might think. For example:

– Why is the government involved at all when 2 people want to commit their

lives to each other.. ANY 2 People no matter sexual orientation. Does the Constitution say that people have to be Married? NO! Get the government our of our personal relationships and get Marriage out of the government.

– Why is the government involved in what we eat? Shouldn’t free thinking adults be able to decide what they want to eat or drink? Does the Constitution say that the government can regulate the food you put in your mouth or what you drink?

The Constitution clearly states what the Federal Government is tasked with and what they can do.. and it clearly states that any powers not clearly given to the Federal Government are reserved to the states. If the citizens of Colorado want to walk down the street smoking a big doobie.. and they pass that law, then its up to the state. The Constitution doesn’t give the Federal Government the right to regulate behavior. I may disagree with what you say or do, but under our Constitution, you have the right to do it.

As Thomas Jefferson said ” “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” and this applies to all beliefs and behaviors… if what you believe or do meets this test than you should be free to do it.

This doesn’t mean that I will stop being passionate about what I believe in, but it does mean that I am willing to discuss where we agree and move forward from there.

November 20, 2012 at 7:47 am

Why It’s Racist to Expect Less from Susan Rice!

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I’m having a hard time understanding the minority left in this country. Are we supposed to expect less from our government leaders because of their sex or their race? Because people are critical of Susan Rice’s statements on 5 network shows that the cause behind Benghazi was the video and not a terrorist attack, and because she misled the American people and because of her actions, she isn’t qualified to be the Sec of State, they are being called racists and sexists. Ask yourself this question: If John Bolton had gone on tv and said the same thing and then it was discovered that it was totally misleading, would the same people excuse it thru the same low expectations as they have applied to Rice? I find it racist to expect less and not hold them to the same level of accountability from someone because of their sex or their race as if they aren’t as capable as someone who isn’t a minority. Susan Rice was fully qualified to be the UN Ambassador and she should have known what she was saying was wrong. Either she knew and misled the American people intentionally, or she was setup as the person to take the fall by someone else in the administration. In either case, We expect the best from our leaders and we don’t expect them to underperform because they happen to be a minority.

Minorities have fought for decades to be treated as equals, yet the race baiters are now saying that any criticism of their failure to meet those same expectations is racist. How is that even acceptable to Susan Rice? How can she accept that her defenders excuse her actions because of her sex and her race?
Please forgive me because I must be too ignorant to understand how this all makes sense. I feel that she has damaged her integrity with her statements, and therefore I feel she’s not qualified to be promoted to Sec of State
November 7, 2012 at 2:34 pm

Thank You America.. Written by: Jack Finn

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This just about says it all about how I feel after Obama was re-elected:  I sincerely hope that this time, he’s able to reach across the aisle without posturing by saying “ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES”.  I hope that this time, he will work on getting jobs for the 23 million unemployed (most of whom probably voted for him again..OMG) and maybe this time he will actually curb spending and work on bringing down the debt and the deficit.  But after he’s already had 4 years with the same problems, why in the world would I ever expect anything different than what we’ve already gotten?

———————–  Jacks Article is below ———————-

Thank you, America. Thank you for re-electing Barack Obama.

Thank you for solidifying Obamacare. Thank you for ensuring that my health insurance rates will rise to the point where my employer drops my coverage. Thank you for future higher prescription drug prices, for lower quality care, for long lines to see my doctor, and for allowing a board of 15 people to determine my fate. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure our media will be taking a coffee break for the next four years instead of holding our elected officials accountable (unless they’re Republicans, of course). Thank you for making sure we’ll never find out about how we lost a brave border agent who was shot by a gun from a government gun-running operation. Thank you for making sure we won’t find out about why our president lied about the circumstances surrounding the death of an ambassador. Thank you for seeing to it that we won’t find out that the government’s response to Sandy was worse than its response to Katrina. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure we’ll continue to have an education system that teaches children that you are bad while ignoring the genius of your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution; that teaches children about birth control and gender equality but steers clear of God; that teaches children to rely on the government for the things they need instead of on themselves. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that we will continue to run up huge deficits. Thank you for ensuring the continued abuse of the Fed, which will be free to print more money, eventually making it worth less than the paper it’s printed on. Thank you for piling that debt on my children, so they’ll have to work for your government and China’s, rather than for themselves and their families. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure our military strength will be greatly reduced, in men and in supplies and equipment. Thank you for cementing poor relationships with our allies while coddling our enemies. Thank you for ensuring Iran gets a nuclear weapon, which it will not be afraid to use, probably resulting in another deadly global conflict down the road. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that proposed regulations on oil drilling and coal mining will be implemented, which will cause gas and electricity prices to spike. Thank you for ensuring that we won’t be able to build new power plants and refineries. And thank you especially because these things will cause our everyday necessities, like food and transportation, to cost us more than ever before. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that our religious institutions will be dictated to by your government, that they will have to provide services such as contraception and abortion even though doing so defies their most basic beliefs. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure we will continue to further divide ourselves into groups and see ourselves only by our race, gender, age, sexual orientation and income, instead of seeing each other as Americans. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for the judges who will soon be sitting behind the benches in our courts, who will render decisions based on ideological social beliefs while ignoring the Constitution they’ve sworn to uphold. Thank you, America.

Yes, thank you, America, for all of these wonderful gifts you’ve given us by re-electing Barack Obama.

Of course, if I was bitter, I would have used another word besides “thank” in front of “you.”

October 30, 2012 at 9:16 am

Chris Matthews is an POS! No other way to say it!

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I am totally fed up with Chris Matthews saying anyone who says ANYTHING about Obama is a racist. Would every minority that ever disagreed with Bush’s policies be a Racist too? First it was the code words “Chicago, Apartment, Shuck and Jive, now it’s “monkeying”. Someone said that Obama was Monkeying around with the jobs numbers. That phrase has been use for decades and has nothing to do with ra

ce. Matthews is a race baiter and is a disgraceful human being.
Calling someone a racist when there is no evidence of racist behavior is inexcusable and calls into question the character of the person making the charge. Chris Matthews is so in the tank for Obama that he will lie, distort and make stuff up just to try and enrage the Obama base.
Chris Matthews should be ashamed of himself. He is a poor excuse for a human being, the lowest form of life as a Journalist / news person and he works for a defunct propaganda network. the way he always yells “Racism” diminishes actual racism that may still be happening. Racism is all around us… and it’s not just white vs. black or brown.. it flows the other way too!

News Flash Chris …. its the policies of the man, not the color of the man.. can your simple mind grasp the concept that we might actually disagree with Obama’s policies and unlike you, we can separate race from politics!

Chris.. you’re down in the mud with Rachel MadCow and Ed “I’ll say anything” Schultz. Congratulations !

October 25, 2012 at 10:48 am

To My Progressive Liberal Gay and Straight Friends

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I’ve been told that many of you are afraid of Romney and the far right wing conservatives. To be honest with you, the right has a fringe just like the left does, but that’s not mainstream conservatives.. that’s fringe.

You know I love you and don’t care what your personal life is.. and I’m a conservative… Please tell me who on the right is advocating taking away any of your rights?  What has Obama done for you.. when you add the failed economy with the total inaction to causes that are important to you (until it came time to need your vote), I believe someone who will pander to you is more dangerous than someone who may disagree but will listen.

If you’re concerned about “marriage”,  my perspective is that marriage should NOT be anywhere in the tax code, or benefits or anything else other than a religious ceremony and sacrement  between a couple and their God.  Civil Unions should be for anyone wanting to join into a legally recognized relationship where they pledge their desire to be together..ANYONE.. straight, gay, ANYONE.

War on Women?  Nobody on the right is advocating taking away a womans right to birth control and if a woman needs the pill for medical, not behavioral reasons, it should be available just like any other prescription.. and  PLANNED PARENTHOOD? Doesn’t do any mammograms but does perform lots of abortions.  They receive my tax dollars and saying that they don’t use tax dollars for abortions is bullshit because by having my tax dollars, they free up other money to be used for abortions.  Also, is there a mens ‘PLANNED PARENTHOOD” that gets taxpayer funding?  Free prostate exams and testicular cancer screenings?  I haven’t found one yet.

Conservatives are NOT the evil bogeymen that we are portrayed to be by the far left.  Please tell me what promises that Obama made 4 years ago have been kept?  He controlled the house and senate for 2 yrs and could have pushed thru any jobs bills or plans to fix the economy and instead he pushed thru Obamacare for a system that needs to be fixed, but not as bad as getting 23 million americans back to work.  Why would you think the next 4 years would be any different.

I know this has been long, but all I ask is that you think about what I’ve said.. then you can disregard it and chalk it up to me being an old straight white guy that doesn’t understand.

September 26, 2012 at 8:39 am

The Readers Digest Version of Obama’s Foreign Policy

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People on the left wonder why the Middle East is in flames right now… well, if they watched Glenn Beck they would have known it was going to happen and why… but part of the reason is that in the middle eastern culture, they respect strength, and see negotiation or capitulation as weakness. When they don’t respect you because they don’t fear you, they kill your people, burn your flag and attack your embassies.  Just like all his other promises, Obama has failed to deliver on a better relationship with the Islamic world, in fact, the view of the US is worse under Obama than it was under President Bush.  Yes, I said President Bush, and I refer to the current occupant as OBAMA.. because he’s not acting like a President, he’s acting like the Entertainer and Campaigner and Blamer in Chief.   As Newt Gingrich said, “When Obama wakes up in the morning, the first thing he thinks about is ‘OBAMA”… NOT the people of the United States.  He’s more concerned with being Cool than being a President.

This picture shows exactly why the middle east is in flames and the United States is being attacked.

Obama Foreign Policy

September 25, 2012 at 10:37 am

Election 2012 – The Obama B.S. and the Obama Media

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Sorry Yet that you elected Obama?

For those of you that voted for Obama.. Are you really considering hiring this guy again for another 4 years?  What has he done to deserve your vote?  He works for you yet when he see’s a problem he blames someone or something else as the reason why he can’t do anything about it.  As Paul Ryan said in a town hall meeting in Ohio: ” Real Leaders see a problem and they take action to fix the problem!”   What has Obama fixed that was broken?


  So what has he spent almost 4 years doing?


And this is just a partial list of what this freeloader has been doing for 4 years.  I use the term “freeloader” because he asked for the job and he KNEW the economy was in the toilet, but he wanted the job.. so he was elected and he hasn’t complied with his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and he hasn’t done the job he was hired for.. so we pay him big bucks, give him a big house, 2 big custom 747’s and 24 hour a day protection so he can do what he wants, not what he was hired for.  He is living off the backs of the taxpayers and he isn’t working for us… that makes him a FREELOADER!


The Obama Media wants us to believe that Romney is behind and can’t win.. but what they aren’t telling you is that the polls are weighted with more democrats based on the overly large % of democrat turn out in 2008. Historically, dems turn

 out about 3%-5% more than Republicans, but the polls this year are using about 13% dem over turnout which if corrected to normal levels, would show that Romney is actually ahead. The chart below highlights the more realistic turnout of likely voters, not registered voters.

Romney beating Obama in the Polls


Minorities turned out in 2008 in historically large numbers because Obama was going to be the first Black president and the first minority president.  4 years later, the thrill up the leg of “Hope and Change” is gone. Minority unemployment is around 14% and black youth unemployment is about 50%.  With all the unemployment in our country, what does OBAMA do? He allows illegals to apply to work and take jobs.

Minority Democrat voter turnout is going to be lower this year than in 2008 so the polling companies that are using 2008 turnout figures to weight the polls are using bad data.  Don’t get discouraged by the Obama Lemming media and the skewed polls… we need to all vote so that we send Romney and Ryan to Washington with a BIG MANDATE!



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